(808) 591-8778

Chronic Sinus & Skin Allergies

Dr. Tan has changed my life!

I had been taking allergy shots once every three weeks, taking Singular daily, going for acupuncture every three weeks, and taking Benadryl every 4 hrs when my symptoms flared up.  I could only be outdoors about 30 minutes before my sinuses got stuffy, my body would itch all over, and my back broke out in hives. Needless to say, I spent most of my time indoors. I was always congested even indoors.

I also had food sensitivities as well. Eating foods I was allergic to made me feel nauseous and gassy.  I also had cramps and diarrhea.  Needless to say, my diet was very limited as well.

After Dr Tan treated me, I can walk on grass with bare feet for the first time in more than 20 years.  I am also able to  enjoy going on long hikes and being outdoors without suffering and without medications.   I can eat more variety of foods now.  All the unpleasant symptoms I used to have after eating these foods are gone!

Since we got back to Tennessee,  I have been to several outdoor events.
1. A four hour concert outside.
2. A party around a fire pit for 3 1/2 hours.
3. Our neighbors came down and we talked outdoors for 3 hours. (Never would have happened before I saw you)
4. I  made 2 entire soccer games without any stuffiness.

If you have allergies and want relief, go to Dr Tan!  Do it now so that you can be in charge of your life and not have your allergies dictate what you can and cannot do.

Monica T.

Honolulu's Center for Innovative Medicine: Individualized solutions for restoring health

A full and healthy lifestyle is about moving forward in our lives as we achieve optimal health and wellness through our innovative therapies.

Contact Us

Karen Tan, ND, MAcOM, LAc

1150 South King Street, Suite 905
Honolulu, HI 96814

Call 808-591-8778

Center for Innovative Medicine Honolulu

Center for Innovative Medicine Honolulu