(808) 591-8778


Read What our Patients are saying




Migraines, Hot Flashes & Insomnia

I came to Dr Tan looking for a naturopathic way to cure my migraines, hot flashes and insomnia. After 3 months of treatments, my 4-5 times a week migraines are gone! My hot flashes are 90% cured. I’m sure with another treatment, it will be history. I am also sleeping more soundly and wake up refreshed-its great!  I am thrilled to have my life back, waking up from a restful night’s sleep, without migraines and going through the day without hot flashes. Dr Tan has a wonderful gift to heal with a very caring spirit! Thank you!! – Margie I.

Stiff neck

Unfortunately i started the new year with a very painful stiff neck. It started on the right side and moved to the left. I could hardly hold my head up. Thanks to Dr Tan and her magical treatments the pain was gone in three sessions and I had full range of motion!

Marilyn A.

Varicose Veins, Low Back & Neck Pain

I came to lovely Honolulu to see my sister and she recommended me to see Dr Karen Tan. I have had my large and small veins in my legs giving me trouble for 6 years- lots of swelling and pressure going on. Then my lower back has been giving me trouble for about 15 years. My neck has been bothering me for about 6 years. After one treatment, I felt about 90% better. The second treatment was even better. It feels so good to be pain free. I’m trying to decide whether I should stay or take the doctor home with me!

Pam H.


Dr Tan is a miracle worker! I first went to see her after being told by medical doctors that I would never have a child.  They said there was nothing medical science could do to help my husband and I conceive.  I wasn’t a candidate for IVF or infertility medications.  I heard about Dr Tan from a co-worker and decided to see if she could help me.  She put me on a comprehensive program and  I got pregnant 2 months after I started on her program.   My pregnancy was healthy and uneventful as was the birth of my daughter.  Thanks to Dr Tan, I now have a healthy baby.

Monica S.

Myasthenia Gravis

I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis in which the medical field informed me that there was no cure. Thankfully, I was referred to Dr Tan by a total stranger. At that time, my condition was getting critical.My throat was closing up and my left eyelid was almost completely closed. After only couple of treatments from Dr Tan, my eyelid opened and I was able to swallow normally again.

Frozen Shoulder

I have a frozen shoulder for about a year where I could not lift my arm. After one treatment, I was able to raise my arm higher than my shoulder, almost vertical which was something I could not do for quite sometime. Tenderness was also considerably reduced.  Thank you Dr Tan!

 Diane I.


I am completely awed with the rapid  progress I’ve made with Dr Karen Tan.  I came to her with a host of issues, and my concerns have been addressed with amazing results. I was exhausted and completely out of balance.  The first week on the program was like being hit by a truck.  All I would think was that I must be really toxic.   I stuck with the regimen, and the fog lifted by about the 8th day.

Environmental & food sensitivities

It seems that over the years, as I approached my 40′s, my body was starting to react negatively to many things in the environment and to certain foods. For example, I had difficulty breathing when the vog came in, I developed severe seasickness (even when boogie boarding and snorkeling), I woke up every day with postnasal drip and sinus stuffiness, and I got diarrhea and welts eating shellfish or raw egg yolks.


For over twenty years I suffered from eczema; my lower legs, upper arms, and back were often covered with itchy sores. My sleep was disturbed every night by itching and scratching. About eight years ago I concluded that the itchy eczema was caused, at least in part, by what I was eating. 

Dog allergies

I love my dogs!

I was sad to find out that my dogs … well their dander … was causing some of my symptoms. I like to think it was because of the dust in the air or the pollen outside…I was in denial. Every time I’d play with my dogs for a length of time or give them a bath I would go into a sneezing fit along with getting itchy and watery eyes. Petting them was okay but spending prolonged “quality time” was definitely a challenge.

Sinus Headaches from Temperature Change

I experienced bad headaches whenever I go from an air conditioned office to my car on a hot day. When I got out of my car into the hot sun to get to my appointment with Dr Tan, I started developing a sinus headache. While Dr Tan was treating me, the headache slowly disappeared. Since then, I have not had those headaches. Mahalo, Dr Tan.

– Colleen

Dust Allergy

I used to have severe reactions to dust.

Every time I cleaned house, moved stuff around my closets, helped my friend in her warehouse or went near boxes that had been in storage, I would sneeze uncontrollably. Sometimes my reaction would be so strong that I would be put out for the rest of the day. After one treatment for dust, I have noticed a significant change and I am able to do these things with little to no reaction.

 Melissa B

Vog & Caffeine Allergy

I used to have difficulty breathing on voggy days. In addition to shallow breathing, I would experience pounding headaches and severe fatigue. After one session at Dr. Tan’s office, my symptoms cleared completely. In fact, I no longer notice when there is vog outside.

I have never been able to drink coffee or even strong teas because of my sensitivity to caffeine. Even the smallest amounts would cause me to become dizzy. After being treated for this sensitivity, I decided to try drinking some coffee. I was so surprised that, while I did feel a rush from the caffeine, I no longer felt sick.

 Brenda K.

Food Allergies

I used to not only get congested immediately, but also had hangover effects the following morning. After being treated for yeast and wheat by Dr. Tan, I no longer get congested or feel any negative effects the next day.
Whenever I ate anything made with eggs, I immediately had a slight headache. After being treated for eggs by Dr. Tan, no matter how many eggs I eat, I don’t get any headaches! Every time vog would be brought in by the Kona winds, I’d get congestion along with post nasal drip. Once Dr. Tan treated me for vog, I no longer have those symptoms.

Steven Y.

Weight Management

Every year I make the same New Year’s resolution,  to lose weight and body fat to feel better about myself. Well, this year, I’ll have to come up with something else thanks to you  and the Ultra Lite Weight Management program.  Through your program, combined with regular weight training and cardio exercise, I have lost 25 pounds and almost 10% body fat.  Your one on one care and thorough knowledge of the program has been invaluable to my success.

Weight Loss

All my life I have struggled with my weight. My mother supervised my first diet at age 8. (My mother had lost 100 lbs in a similar diet before she married)  At age 11, I was 5 ft 1.75 inches and weighed 144 lbs.  That year I did manage to lose some weight. As an adult, I sought medical assistance to lose weight at least twice as well as numerous attempts at various programs on my own.  I became interested in natural health, healing and foods, even becoming a good vegetarian cook. 


I have been a patient of Dr Tan for over 6 months.  Muscle pain from fibromyalgia is the reason I started seeing Dr Tan.  She was referred to me from another patient who was pleased with her work.  Dr Tan has helped me eliminate 75% of my muscle pain.  I continue to see her whenever new muscle pain develops.

Donna Kowalczyk, Honolulu, HI


I have suffered from pain associated with fibromyalgia for several years. These symptoms worsened during my pregnancy and continued to bother me after the birth of my child.  With just one treatment from Dr Tan, most of the pain has improved significantly.  With the exception of my wrists, the pain in my ankles, feet, knees waist, arms and shoulders are gone

Sherrie T.

Vog & environmental allergies

Dr. Tan has worked wonders with my vog allergy symptoms. I’ve always had sensitivity to the vog and had to move from the Big Island to Moloka’i because of it. Whenever the vog acted up, my nose would run like a river and I’d have to literally carry around a box of tissues, or stick one up my nostril to keep it at bay. I’d also become very tired and become physically sick and would be bed-ridden till the vog lightened up. Over time, my reactions increased so much that if my sinuses became clogged up, I would lose my hearing and it would take almost a month for them to re-open with antibiotics. 

Hip Replacement Alternative- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

After being told I needed hip replacement due to Osteoarthritis, I sought an alternative.I was allergic to the medication the doctors wanted me to take, and had debilitating pain in my hip. I had lost a lot of strength and mobility. I had gone from surfing several days a week to 3-4 days a year. My first PRP treatment was eye opening. Quite painful on administration, but the next few days were amazing. Almost no pain at all, no more pills no more limping. After about four days I noticed my mobility was greatly improved, and my strength was returning. I haven’t been this pain free for two years. I’m hoping to find the time to get back in the water and surf again. 

Mario, Hawaii

Allergy to hair dyes

I am a colorist and hairstylist. I have been doing hair for almost 10 years. I have always enjoyed coloring people’s hair until recently. I noticed a chronic cough every time I did color on a client or washed out color. The cough continued even when I wasn’t in the salon. I was nervous that all the chemicals from my years of coloring clients was starting to bring an allergy to the color. I was devastated to find this out because being a colorist is so much my passion and brings so much to my career. I was treated by Dr Karen and after one treatment to the hair color, my cough resolved and I have been symptom free since and its been 4 months.

April I.

Refreshing approach to healthcare

I have found Dr. Karen Tan’s knowledge, energy and demeanor are unsurpassed in the health care community. She has treated me for a variety of illnesses all with great success. She didn’t just treat an illness, but she clearly explained how and sometimes even why each illness I had was interacting with my body and provided information for how I can prevent recurrences. I found this approach to be enlightening and refreshing.

Food Allergies

Being a naturopath as well, I have been aware of food as allergens to cause digestive problems. Thus I have tried a lot hypoallergenic diets to decrease my symptoms and address my health. These diets did help while on them, however, staying on them all of the time proved to be difficult. After hearing Dr. Tan speak at a lecture about Advanced Allergy Testing, I thought, I need to give that a try.

Since working with Dr. Tan, my digestive symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, and a constant “full feeling” have decreased and even gone away while returning foods into my diet that I have been avoiding for years.

Thank You, thank you, Dr. Tan for all your help!! 

Summer B.

Salt sensitivity

Salty foods always make me bloat, so I have been very careful to watch my salt intake. One treatment for this sensitivity cleared my symptoms. I still watch my intake for my health, but I notice that when I do eat something salty, I no longer have any fluid retention. I never thought this would be possible–I always figured that I was someone who could never tolerate salt. – Anonymous patient

Environmental & Food Allergies

I have been suffering from environmental and food allergies since childhood. Years of allergy medications helped to clear the sinus congestion, runny nose and itchy eyes, but also came with a long list of side effects.  Dr Tan has shown me a better way.  She listened carefully to my health history and current concerns, then tailored an allergy elmination program specifically for me. Dr Tan took the time to answer my questions and even recommended 2 books.  After only a few months of treatment,  I am breathing easier and have developed a new sense of well-being.  I finally feel like I am in control of my allergies, instead of  the other way around.  After living for so many years with allergy symptoms, it is wonderful to enjoy the smells of nature, all without drugs.  I highly recommend Dr Tan.

Elissa K.

Behavior & Food Sensitivities

AAT has made a tremendous difference in my son’s behavior. Prior to treatment, nothing I did could modify his abnormal sleep schedule. Since 18 months of age, Dason slept at 2-3 am and woke 6-7 times a night up to 2 years of age, 3-4 times a night up to 30 months and 2-3 times a night up to age 3. More recently, prior to treatment, he slept at 4-5 am and woke 1-2 times a night. Since receiving treatments, he is sleeping at 10:30 pm and staying down for the night 50-60 % of the time and if he wakes up, its only once a night.

Drug induced Eczema

I’ve suffered from drug (antibiotic) induced eczema since Oct 2007. Of course, prescribed steroids and other antibiotics didn’t help. In March 2008, I suffered a terribly bad case of inflammatory eczema. It affected up and down both of my arms and legs and my lower back. I look terrible, as if I had some kind of flesh eating disease. I couldn’t sleep at night and showers only brought agony and tears. This went on for a month and it got to the point where a large area of my right lower shin had become infected, and a series of boils appeared long my right leg.

Cat Allergy

I’ve suffered from drug (antibiotic) induced eczema since Oct 2007. Of course, prescribed steroids and other antibiotics didn’t help. In March 2008, I suffered a terribly bad case of inflammatory eczema. It affected up and down both of my arms and legs and my lower back. I look terrible, as if I had some kind of flesh eating disease. I couldn’t sleep at night and showers only brought agony and tears. This went on for a month and it got to the point where a large area of my right lower shin had become infected, and a series of boils appeared long my right leg.

asthma & sinus

Asthma & Sinus Allergies

At the age of 25, I  became asthmatic and my sinuses became very sensitive to everything. Within a five month time span, I had bronchitis twice and was told by my Ear, Nose and Throat doctor that I would need to inhale steroid medication twice a day for the rest of my life to ensure sinus relief. Even with the steroids, I had major sinus pain on the right side of my face everyday, which forced me to take Advil on a daily basis in order to function at all.

Chronic Sinus & Skin Allergies

Dr. Tan has changed my life! I had been taking allergy shots once every three weeks, taking Singular daily, going for acupuncture every three weeks, and taking Benadryl every 4 hrs when my symptoms flared up.  I could only be outdoors about 30 minutes before my sinuses got stuffy, my body would itch all over, and my back broke out in hives. Needless to say, I spent most of my time indoors. I was always congested even indoors.

TMJ pain

I can’t say enough about the acupuncture and naturopathic treatment that Dr. Tan practices. For years I suffered severe TMJ pain from 2 – 5 times per week, a definite 10+ on the pain scale. It was so debilitating that that all I could do was to sit very still and quietly to minimize excruciating pain, and hope that it would go away soon. I could not work, I could not play, I could barely function anything I did would create more pain.
After a few treatments with Dr. Tan, the TMJ pain. A combination of acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, and gentle encouragement about lifestyle changes has me a new TMJ pain-free person. No more pain. I’m positive that the treatment worked because Dr. Tan evaluated my whole body, mind, and spirit, and did not just treat the symptoms. It just does not get any better than this! Mahalo Dr. Tan – Anonymous patient

Naturopathic Alternatives

I first learned about naturopathic physician and Dr. Karen Tan in 2001. We got to experience the naturopathic alternative to regular health care and found that to be a very valuable and natural way to address health issues. Since then, Dr. Tan has been our family doctor and has helped successfully with many of our health problems. Dr. Tan is a very good doctor with broad knowledge in both conventional and naturopathic medicines. She is also an expert in acupuncture.

Pain Management

Just a note to say sincere thanks to you for the outstanding care and knowledge you have given me during my treatment over the past year. I have experienced reduced pain, reduced stress during extremely pressurized events, and better health overall as a result of your hints, remedies and excellent advice. I also very much appreciate your continued research on the development of new techniques and innovative supplements. I am grateful for your time and energy! Keep up the good work!


Honolulu's Center for Innovative Medicine: Individualized solutions for restoring health

A full and healthy lifestyle is about moving forward in our lives as we achieve optimal health and wellness through our innovative therapies.

Contact Us

Karen Tan, ND, MAcOM, LAc

1150 South King Street, Suite 905
Honolulu, HI 96814

Call 808-591-8778

Center for Innovative Medicine Honolulu

Center for Innovative Medicine Honolulu